Why Join the Evangelical Episcopal Communion?
The Evangelical Episcopal Communion (EEC) is a group of ministers and ministries bound together by our Doctrinal Essentials and Core Values. We are relationally based rather than geographically based with individuals and groups who serve Christ in a variety of locations and various denominational settings. Churches, organizations and ministries who join us retain ownership of their own property and control their own finances.
There are several reasons why one would seek to affiliate with the EEC. Embracing the presence and power of Christ in the Evangelical, Charismatic and Sacramental traditions of the church (convergence) creates a balance in doctrinal and spiritual perspectives and a protection against heresy. Convergence promotes unity and provides a context for a richer knowledge and experience of Christ. Our leadership consists of caring individuals who are accountable to each other and with whom one can be open and real without fear, while offering training, mentorship and spiritual covering. Those who are approved to be ordained with us will be brought into valid Apostolic Succession thus providing credibility in the larger body of Christ.